MOL Clinical Quality Management Committee Volunteer Application

The Clinical Quality Management Committee is part of a program dedicated to improving service delivery, the service system, and client and employee satisfaction.  The CQM Committee discusses current practices, performance measures, and satisfaction ratings and designates the CQM program on Quality Improvement Projects.

The volunteer roles are for persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) to speak about the services that they receive at the agency.  The volunteer must be comfortable with publicly discussing their HIV status and the receipt of services.

Personal Information - Step 1 of 5

Please read this carefully before proceeding.

The MOL Clinical Quality Management Committee volunteer roles are for persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH).  Volunteers must be comfortable discussing their diagnosis publicly.  Volunteers must be a current client of MOL receiving Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program or Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) services.

If you are not willing to disclose your HIV status publicly, please do not complete this application.

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